Sci/275 Energy Conservation Research Paper

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Mitigation Strategies and Solutions Energy Conservation SCI 275 Environmental Science Mitigation Strategies and Solutions Everything in the world uses energy it just depends on what form or what kind is being used. There are two different types of energy there is the nonrenewable kind and then there is the renewable resources that we need to keep. The difference between the two is that nonrenewable resources are like oil and coal that cannot be just made up to suit our daily needs, it takes lots of time and money to get these resources. Then there is the renewable resource like electricity that we can get from the sun, wind power and also biomass fermentation that uses waste to produce energy as well. Everything in the world living and nonliving are affected by the consumption of energy for example when using a electric hybrid vehicle we use less gas but then we use more electricity; we give up one resource for the use of another. Energy is made by coal, oil, and also can be made by natural renewable resources like wind power, biomass fermentation, and also solar power. Coal and oil are nonrenewable resources that we have to dig out of our earth to use and…show more content…
With the use of these wind power farms we will be cutting cost and making renewable resources a mainstream way to save our planets energy. With this plan I will be getting help from the local community and taking volunteers to cut cost, the governor will also be available to answer any questions pertaining to any tax credits giving for volunteering and also any companies lending their hands in the building of the wind power farms will be getting much in return. BY implementing this plan around the world we will be opening many people’s eyes to the nature of energy conservation and how important it really is to do our part in maintaining the production of renewable resources and what they can do for

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