Comparing Earth and Mars

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It can be tricky to write a lesson plan that supports differentiated learning. It is very important that lessons are differentiated to allow for all students to understand and enjoy learning about new concepts. Science is a great area of the curriculum to explore the idea of differentiated instruction strategies. Below, you will find an example of a multi-lesson plan for science. An Example In this lesson plan I will use a number of differentiating strategies such as Blooms taxonomy, Multiple Intelligences and the 5 E’s, which is a scientific method to explore scientific concepts. These are various methods that can be used to support differentiation in the classroom. In this lesson plan I will use a number of differentiating strategies such as Blooms taxonomy, Multiple Intelligences and the 5 E’s, which is a scientific method to explore scientific concepts. These are various methods that can be used to support differentiation in the classroom. Lesson Plan 1:Comparing Earth and Mars Objectives: Students will understand the difference between the Earth and Mars the understand that each have similar geological features and these features could be useful in understanding that life may be possible on both planets. Materials Computer Books that have photographs of the surface of Earth and Mars Procedures Students will complete research on Mars and Earth on the computer they will begin their research and print pictures with the features of both planets. They will research the websites Mars Introduction Views of the Solar System Earth Introduction Views of the Solar System Students will post their pictures of the Earth and Mars and they will find text with references about Earth and Mars. They will post the pictures side by side and compare similar features about each planet. All pictures should have descriptions and explanations of how each planet is

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