Comparing Children Behavior in Society Today

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Mgerjets June 10, 2012 Comparing children behavior in society today Critical Thinking Renee Pistone Is child behavior worse today than it was ten years ago? It’s interesting to see how children act these days. When I was growing up, we had things so easy and you could always see the good in people. Nowadays, you have children committing acts of violence at home, in the schools and on the street. I am interested in doing more research on this subject to find out why today’s kids have such bad behavior problems. It seems that the influences today have shaped our children into believing things that just simply aren’t true. The economy changing, gaming industries becoming stronger influences as well as the media and technology advancing may contribute to this bad behavior. I grew up with a mother who stayed at home taking care of me and my sister, keeping the house clean and organized and being the caregiver while my dad was the one who worked and brought in money. I was raised with manners to say “please”, “thank you”, to always say “no ma'am or no sir”. I knew not to back talk my mother or to act up out in public, if I did my mother was not afraid to put me back into my place. If I did something wrong then I was punished by necessary means such as groundation, a spanking or sent to my room. I went to school with teachers who had open communication with my father and mother, if I acted up in school my parents were contacted immediately, I wasn't allowed more than an hour a day of television until I went into high school, a cell phone wasn't something I had and my free time was spent outside playing with my friends and I came home when the street lights came on. All and all I had a wonderful childhood and only have fond memories of growing up. I feel that how I was raised and with the values and morals I were taught growing up that I became an adult

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