comparing Blake and Wordsworths view of london

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London by William Blake was written in 1792 and is about the streets of London and describes the negative details. Composed upon Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth was written in 1802 and is about the positive side of London. Clearly, the two poems are at opposite ends of the spectrum. ‘London’ by Blake is very negative about the city whereas ‘upon Westminster bridge’ by Wordsworth is positive. The view point is also very much different because Blake is in the city and can see all the details whereas Wordsworth was far away meaning that he couldn’t see the details, making the view more pleasant. “Distance lends enchantment to the view” – Thomas Campbell. Wordsworth is in London as a tourist, and tourists go to the nice places in London whereas Blake lives in London so he sees the details close up rather than just the attractions. London was written at midnight whereas composed upon Westminster bridge was written before sunrise. Blake says “charter’d Thames doth flow” to make the river sound restricted whereas Wordsworth creates the opposite effect: “the river glideth at his own sweet will” as though the river is free to flow in its own natural way. Blake describes prostitution and chimney sweepers on the streets to create a negative picture of the city: “Harlot’s curse”, on the other hand Wordsworth uses personification to create a positive image: “the river glideth at his own sweet will” Blake uses “cry” repetitively throughout the poem to give an idea of depression whereas Wordsworth uses the idea of silence to create a peaceful image. In London by William Blake, each stanza has an ABAB rhyme scheme which is very controlled and restricted whereas composed upon Westminster bridge by William Wordsworth uses an ABBAABBACDCDCD rhyme scheme which again creates the unrestricted, peaceful mood. To conclude I
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