Compare And Contrast Essay On Fahrenheit 451

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In the world of Fahrenheit 451 you can draw many parallels to our world. On the other hand, there is also many differences. While reading 451 I was able to notice the similarities and differences between our world and theirs. In the world of 451 the government controls much of what the people do, the same applies to our world. One of the differences between our world and theirs is that we do not burn books, and books are not illegal. Something we do share is the need to watch TV. In reality our world is to the world of 451 than we think. The citizens in the world of 451 are very much controlled by the government. An example of that is when Montage went on the run and the government killed another man to give the illusion that the government was superior. Our government is not quite as over bearing as theirs because they allow us to make emotional connections to…show more content…
Although our world has TV, most people do not solely rely on TV as much as they do. In 451 you see Montag on the subway creating a scene because he was sick of the constant commercials. This even happens to people in our society well. Mildred is the representation of an everyday citizen in the world of 451, and you see her spend all of her time in front of her three wall TV. It seems to me that throughout the years TV has become more popular, and most people have at least one TV in their house. Comparing Fahrenheit 451 to our world exposed how close we are to becoming like them. With the government controlling us, ad our addiction to TV; we have to battle against ourselves to prevent becoming like the world of 451. We do have our differences to 451, because we do not burn books. I find it I retesting that Bradbury wrote this book in 1953 and does an excellent job at predicting what todays society would be like. With the book being so close to our world it makes you wonder if books could become illegal in the
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