Compare and Contrast Eassy

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A Reflection On Falling Down Is Part Of Growing Up And Being A Cripple. Despite their differences, both Falling Down Is Part of Growing Up and Being Cripple share few things in common. First both authors, Henry Peteroski and Nancy Maris provide their personal attitudes regarding their bodies. For instance, Petroski regards his daily live as an engineer of sorts work, “for we all have the principles of machines and structures in our bones” Here, Petroski is trying to illustrate different types of stages in human lives; he illustrates the different ways in which we grow. Petroski says we get familiar with the world, we learn things, firstly we do it clumsily but later we learn it well. Likewise Maris regarding herself as a cripple. In both instances, both authors provide examples as to how and why they identify themselves. Secondly, both Maris and Petroski described how comfortable they are with their body. Evidently, Peteroski seemed more comfortable with his body in regards to his daily lives as an engineer. By contrast, Maris seem uneasy with her Multiple sclerosis. Lastly, both authors provided their justifications for which they come to fully accept the reality of their bodies, Petroski confidently thinks of his being an engineer as a part of life, “for we all have the principles of machines and structures in our bones” Here, Petroski is tries to tell us that we can encounter difficulties that we don’t expect. Maris courageously brings forth her battle with her chronic disease and how she becomes appreciative of this challenge in her later life. In these essays, both Nancy Maris and Henry Petroski discuss similar points of views about their bodies. These points do reveal important thoughts about dealing with life’s challenges. The attitudes of Nancy Maris and Henry Petroski toward their bodies are similar. For Henry Petroski, his attitude of being an

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