Compare And Contrast Correlational Studies With C

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Compare and Contrast Correlational Studies with Case Studies. Psychology has several different study research tools that can be used to investigate a topic of interest. Two types of studies that can be used are Correlational study or Case study. Both have positive and negative effects. Although, both are great study tools that have an outcome, which can be further investigated. Correlational studies are used to look at relationships between two variables. The correlation coefficient is a measure of correlation strength. The range can be negative one to positive one. Variables can have three different types of outcome. A positive correlation has and increases in one variable associated with an increase in the other variable. A great example would be height and weight. Taller people tend to be heavier. (Simplypsychology) If there is an increase in one variable associated with a decrease in the other that indicates a negative correlation. Such as height above seal level and temperature. As you climb the mountain (increase in height) it gets colder (decrease in temperature). (Simplypsychology) Lastly there is a no correlation or zero correlation. No correlation occurs when there is no relationship between the two variables. Correlational studies may suggest that there is a relationship between two variables it does not prove that one variable causes change in another variable. Correlation does not equal causation. (aboutpsychology) Researchers may gear towards correlational studies when naturally occurring variables may be unethical to perform. Graphical forms clearly allow researchers to see if there is a relationship between two variables. Case studies differ from Correlational studies such that case studies concentrate on an individual or a group. A lot of Freud’s work and theories were based on individual case studies. Direct
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