Communication Theory Matrix

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University of Phoenix Material Group Communication Theories Matrix Communication Theories Matrix Instructions: Complete the following matrix by filling in the box for each of the five communication theories with the following four items: the theory definition, the main principles of the theory, a real-world theory example, and an application of each theory to virtual communication. | |Theory definition |Main principles of the theory |Real-world theory example |Application of each theory to | | | | | |virtual communication | |Social Exchange Theory |A simple but powerful attempt to |Rewards are pleasurable outcomes |In one community theatre group, | | | |explain human behavior in terms |associated with particular |participants identified meeting | | | |that sound like a blend of |behaviors; costs include such |people and the opportunity to | | | |behavioral psychology and economic|things as mental effort, anxiety, |perform as the primary rewards, | | | |theory. According to this theory, |or even embarrassment. Profit |while they saw disorganization, | | | |relationships can be described in |equals rewards minus costs; as |lack of coordination, and time | | | |terms of their rewards and costs, |long as rewards exceed costs, a |issues as costs. |

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