Communication In Technology

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Communication in Technology In today’s world we are told that technology is here to make our lives faster and easier. The microwave cooks food faster, the Internet helps us gather information quickly, and cell phones help use stay in global contact. These forms of technology have all progressed and made or lives easier, but from where I’m standing, it looks like all of our sophisticated modern technology has done quite the opposite. For example, text messaging has corrupted our youth with in proper grammar, modern networking has invaded our privacy, and worst of all people interaction has immensely decreased. These new forms of technology have made our lives complicated and have given us less time to spend with our family and friends instead of more. The danger that society faces depending on technology rather than face-to-face contact is crucial. Cellphones are very beneficial, but it can destroy people’s interaction and communication skills with one another. “In other words, most of us spend our days walking around with our noses buried in our cell phones, BlackBerrys, iPhones, etc.” (Cafferty). For example, texting has taken the place of verbal communication because we no longer use the phone to speak to others, instead we text. It has even destroyed our proper way of writing because of the slang that has been created through texting. “The Pew Research Center found that half of the American teenagers- defined in the study as ages 12 through 17- send 50 or more text messages a day and that one third send more than 100 a day” (qtd. in Stout). It seems as if cellphones are our only way of interacting with others. Today many people and children live through social networking programs like Facebook and Twitter. Our youth and adults strongly rely on communication with others through these social networking programs. “To date, much of the concern
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