Commemorative Speech Essay

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Family members, friends, and especially Tom and Sarah. Today is such a special day. Watching the two of you exchange your vows this morning brought me to tears because I remember, Sarah, when we were in 6th grade and we made that promise to each other to be each other’s maid of honor. Remember how we always argued over who would get in the roller coaster car first? We both wanted to sit right up front. Well, I get to go first this time—as maid of honor! But then again, you’re getting married first. It’s not that I want to compare your marriage to a roller coaster ride, but I sure do hope it is as much fun! I remember when Sarah met Tom. We were sophomores at Emerson and the idea of getting settled with one guy was just about the furthest thing from our minds. At least I thought it was. Sarah came back to the room after her first creative writing class and said, “There is this guy in the class and he is “the one”. I thought she meant the one for this week! But soon I saw she was serious and the truth is that I started to get a little worried that I was going to lose my best friend. But, it has turned out that not only did I not lose my best friend, I gained a new and wonderful friend in Tom. Tom is kind and generous and in so many ways just the kind of man I am glad my best friend will spend the rest of her life with. To Tom and Sarah. May your marriage be joyous and blessed and I look forward to giving my next toast at your 50th anniversary party! ------------------------------------------------- End of Free Maid Of Honor Speech I hope this free maid of honor speech has given you some ideas for your own toast. Writing this type of speech can be easier than most especially if you put down in words what your heart is telling you to. Becoming emotional is pretty commmon but try not to breakdown too much otherwise you won't be able to speak! Dear students,

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