Special Occasion Speech

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I was delighted to be asked by Lucy to be the Maid of Honor at her wedding And then I realized I had to make a speech - which quite frankly, I was dreading I have thought long and hard about how to deliver this speech of mine And finally decided to give it some flair by doing it in rhyme Half the fun of that, of course, is seeing Lucy's face so vexed As she frantically tries to work out what on earth is coming next! So as the Maid of Honor it is my pleasant duty to welcome you all here today To celebrate this great occasion with Lucy and Luke in such a special way And as you know it is traditional on occasions such as these For the Maid of Honor to do all the thank you's - so listen up, if you please First of all, I'd like to thank you all for coming - it really means a lot To Lucy and Luke to have you here to witness them tying the knot And thank you to the bridesmaids- for making the dream complete For I speak for everyone here when I say you really look a treat So now I've got the preliminaries done and out the way I can now get down to business and say what I really want to say Because let's face it folks, I'm the one that's known Lucy for more than a little while Which means, I probably know the most about our host and I've kept a file!! Yes, this is the bit where stories - once forgotten- now get the chance to be told And Lucy you’re now wondering if I really am going to be that bold! You can tell by the look on Luke's face he's worried what I'm going to say How much shall I tell everyone and dare I mention it all today? I can see the beads of perspiration starting to form upon your brow As you worry about which story I'm going to tell everyone now Lucy I've wracked my brains for anecdotes and it hasn’t been too swell Trying to find a funny story that was actually appropriate to tell!! Although I mustn’t embarrass you on your special day I suppose I’ll

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