Com 200 Interpersonal Communication: Masking Poor Communication

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Masking Poor Communication - Article Critique COM 200 Interpersonal Communication Date: July 5, 2013 Masking Poor Communication – Article Critique Most couples eventually get to the point in their relationship where they believe they know what the other will talk about most of the time. It is moving to me that, after studying this article, speaking with my live in boyfriend can be compared to speaking with a complete stranger. In this paper, I will share my experiences with comparison to the article. Quite often, my live in boyfriend will tell me that I hardly ever listen to him. After reading this article, I now understand that I may be listening but not hearing him. It was amazing to read that “spouses sometimes…show more content…
I wasn’t getting dressed up since it was just a friend coming over and we would be out by the pool anyways. When the doorbell rang, I opened the door and it was my live in boyfriend’s mom. I was so embarrassed and definitely not clothed properly for my future mother-in-law entrance. My live in boyfriend had seemingly said his mom was coming over and I genuinely observed him say that a friend was coming over. My live in boyfriend had been hurrying around cleaning up and I mistakenly misinterpreted what he said. Easy miscommunication gained me this embarrassment. When I first told my live in boyfriend about how I heard a friend instead of his mom, he informed me to pay attention better. We have had this discussion before actually. I would like to prevent unpleasant circumstances like this at some point, but it will take both of us working on it to succeed. I think going ahead, he and I would both need to quit what we are doing when we have a discussion. We need to pay attention to what the other is saying, how they are saying it, and ask concerns if we do not comprehend. I think a lot of it has been that we will not ask concerns because the other desires us to already know or know what we want or mean. This has to be a typical factor amongst partners I would think. In the occurrence that it happens again, I think if I was not definitely sure on what my partner said, I would just ask or repeat it to him to be sure I recognized what he was saying. Had I just repeated again “oh a friend is coming?” he could have corrected me at that

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