Colonialism In North America

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Stephanie Cline GKE3 April 12, 2015 GKE3- Discuss the rise of colonialism in North America, and how the indigenous people reacted. Colonialism began with a trip on The Tiger, The Robuck, The Red Lion, The Elizabeth, or The Dorothy and sailing to Roanoke, in North Carolina. When Roanoke was established is 1585, Queen Elizabeth I wanted expansion of England. This unclaimed land was perfect for this expansion. Colonialism continued until the 1700s. Early colonialism developed colonies in what are now known as North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, etc. Jamestown, Virginia and Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts was the first colonies to actually survive. ( The Native Americans were the indigenous people in the new colonies. There actually was not much conflict until the 1609- 1613. This is when the Anglo-Powhatan Wars were fought. This was between the English and Native Americans in Jamestown, Virginia. When Jamestown was first established in 1607, Powhatan did not rebel the colony or Englishmen because they…show more content…, The First Anglo-Powhatan War (1609-13) (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2015, from Describe the causes and goals of the American Revolution (violent) and the Indian Independence Movement (nonviolent) revolution, and discuss the strategies of the two revolutions. Berry, Megan. Indian Independence Movement: A fight for independence: History (2006). Retrieved April 15, 2015, from Staff. (2009). Treaty of Paris. Retrieved May 6, 2015, from New World Encyclopedia. (2012, February 29).Guerrilla warfare. May 27, 2015. Retrieved from
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