Cognitive-Development Theory Essay

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In this essay we will discuss the traditional developmental theory called as The Cognitive-Developmental Theory developed by Jean Piaget and critique it based on the socio-cultural perspectives. Jean Piaget was born in Switzerland in 1896, developed the Cognitive Development theory. He was a key cognitive theorist. Cognitive development refers to the changes and stability in mental abilities, such as learning, attention, memory, language, thinking, reasoning and creativity. According to Piaget’s theory, children actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore their world. He explored the way children think and why they think differently then the adults. This theory can also be described as “A comprehensive theory about nature and development of human intelligence” (Berk, 2009). There are three basic components of Piaget theory: firstly, the Schemas or the building blocks of knowledge. Secondly, the processes that enable the transition from one stage to another(Assimilation, Accommodation, Equilibrium) and Thirdly, Piaget’s four stages of development from birth which are the Sensorimotor stage(birth to 2 years), The Pre-Operational stage(age 2 to 7), The Concrete Operational stage(age 7-12) and The Formal Operational stage(adolescence through adulthood) (Huitt & Hummel, 2003).He acknowledged that some children might pass through these stages at different stage, but he insisted that cognitive development followed the same sequence and increases in sophistication with development. . Piaget theories are applied to our classroom learning environment each day by providing children open-ended materials like sand, water, blocks etc. to experiment with and conclude their own results. But some of the points in the theory have its own limitations for example, Piaget assumed that all the humans progress through and develop in the same sequence regardless of
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