Clinical Assessment Essay

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Clinical Assesment 1 Clinical Assessment 2 What other information would you like to learn during the interview with the family? What questions would you ask? Has she complained about other kids being mean to her at preschool? How is family life? What has the preschool teacher said about her behavior? In addition to the clinical interview, what other clinical assessment tools would you consider? Why? Other assessment tools that I would consider would be; standardize, reliability, and validity. All of these tools need to be considered when you are trying to do an assessment, otherwise it won’t work correctly. If you skip a tool, the assessment won’t be as accurate. Although you need more information to begin treatment, what factors might you take into consideration in designing an effective intervention for this family? I would take into consideration the social introversion because it deals with shy, little interest in people, and insecurities. Clara seems to have all of these symptoms. If you were preparing to diagnose Clara, you would refer to the DSM-IV classification system to evaluate her condition on five separate axes. What type of information would go into each Clinical Assessment 3 axis? You are not asked to enter a diagnosis, only describe the kind of information that would be entered in each axis. Axis 1- Major depressive disorder Axis 2- Dependent personality disorder Axis 3- asks for information concerning relevant general medicalconditions from which the person is currently suffering. Axis 4- Asks about special psychosocial or environmental problems the person is facing, such as school or housing problems. Axis 5- Requires the diagnostician to make a global assessment of functioning to rate the person’s psychological, social, and occupational functioning overall. Do

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