Cleaning Schools Essay

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Dear Mrs. _____, Due to the fact that we are children, we are used to doing a lot of chores at home such as sweeping, mopping, and dusting. On top of all that, we have school 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. How tiring! I know you have a perspective of that since you are a full time teacher! You know how we feel! The argument that people have about whether students should clean the school is big; however, why should we clean? Why should it be mandatory for students to clean, during the time we should be learning? I have a plethora of reasons on why we should not have to clean our school. First and foremost, students shouldn’t clean the school because it takes away time that we could be using for learning. For instance, on a regular day in math, Mrs. _____ uses every last minute of our period to get information in because we most likely won’t have time to cover it another day. Therefore, if we have to take 15 minutes every day for students to take care of our school, then we would have to hold back some of our learning time and we won’t be able to cover everything in a short amount of time. Also, if we have shorter class times, then that means if we have important tests like final exams, and we don’t finish, then we might not have an opportunity to make it up. Thus, if we have shorter class times, we wouldn’t be able to cover the material we need. Secondly, if the students clean, then that would mean we would be taking the jobs that people could have. In today’s society, finding a job is hard. Therefore, if students clean, we would be taking the job of the custodians and less people will have a job. In effect, they won’t be able to support their families or pay for the necessities that they need. To illustrate, it’s basically like taking Harry Potter’s wand away from him. How would be able to perform his wizardry without his sacred wand? On the other hand, if we
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