Clean Your Room: a Motivational Program

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“Clean Your Room!”: A Motivational Program I have some visitors staying at my house for the summer. My niece and nephew are visiting with me for 8 full weeks. Having my 11 year old niece and 13 year old nephew stay at my house for the summer has posed many challenges. Chief among these challenges are getting them to help with household chores. I will use a set of extrinsic tools to help motivate them to clean their bedrooms without being asked, and load the dishwasher after meals, and generally pick up after themselves. Help to keep the house clean. 1. Bedrooms a. My niece and nephew must clean their bedrooms at least once per week. b. I will not ask them to clean their room, but will check the room to see if it is clean on Sunday mornings during their stay. 2. Dishes c. I will cook each breakfast, and dinner meals. After each meal eaten, my niece and nephew are to clean their plates, rinse them in the sink, and load them into the dishwasher. 3. Generally picking up after themselves d. My niece and nephew will hang up their jackets, discard wrappers and bags from snacks into the trash can, and otherwise clean up any mess that they create. 4. Reward e. If all of the above criteria are met, without my having to tell them to complete those tasks, my niece and nephew will receive $25 each on Sunday afternoon. I will ensure that dishes are loaded into the dishwasher after each meal. I will make daily checks of the common areas such as the family room and kitchen to make sure spilled drinks are cleaned up, refuse is thrown into the trash can, and jackets and shoes are put away properly. On Sunday morning before church, I will also check my niece and nephew’s bedroom to be sure that they have cleaned their rooms. If these things are done without my having to remind them to do so, they will receive the $25. If those

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