Cigarette Smoking Should Be Banned

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ENN103F Caitlin Cameron 50491466 Task 1 : Topic : Cigarette smoking should be banned . Argue for or against this statement : Argument for : Argument against Supporting ideas Supporting ideas 1). Harm to non- smokers 1) Should not be banned cause any individual is aloud to do any activity 2 ) Smoking diseases 2) helps people relax 3) History of cigarettes 3). Improves concentration ENN103F Caitlin Cameron 50491466 Task 2 : Topic : Cigarette smoking should be banned argue for against this statement. Should cigarette smoking be banned everywhere? I have chosen to argue for this statement as the number of smokers are increasing in numbers every year. And also smoking can effect your health and others around you. There are 4 topics I will be discussing in my essay . first ( First) one the history of ciarettes (cigarettes ) . Then the second the harmful dieases (diseases) smokers suffer from. The third the damage to non – smokers and finally the cost of cigarettes. Tobacco has been around for more then four hundred years. Cigarettes can be harmful to the body and sadly smoking has been seen as a “fashionable” thing” Cigarettes go long way back in our history . Where cigarettes came in place in the 1880’s but at this time cigar smoking was obvisouly ( obviously) more popular than cigarette smoking . The first cigarettes were made in 1865 by Washington Duke these cigarettes were first sold in the civil war and since then cigarette smoking just keeps increasing and still up to this day and age. Smoking is known to be threating (threatening ) to people’s lives such as a cause of dreadful diseases . Some of these diseases include Asthma,

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