Chronic Wounds Research Paper

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A Review of Experimental Treatments For Chronic Wounds A. Crockett May 27, 2011 Acute Nursing: NRSG 321 Instructor: Karen Tetz, RN, PhD Walla Walla University A Review of Experimental Treatment For Chronic Wounds Introduction Chronic wounds are difficult to treat (Lo, Chang, Hu, Mayter & Chang, 2009). The incidence of some types of chronic wounds, such as venous leg ulcers, approaches 2% in the general population (Schmutz et al., 2008). Best practice methods for treating such wounds exist, but researchers are always searching for new and better ways to treat them. Improving healing time and decreasing wound size in such wounds by use of alternative treatments can produce new best practice methods. Research…show more content…
Wound healing outcomes, described as epithelisation, reduction in size and healing rate, were significantly improved in the experimental group. Thus, Manuka honey was shown to be a superior treatment for chronic venous leg ulcers in one of the experimental measures (Gethin & Cowman, 2008). Limitations of this study included inability to blind examiners to treatment type (since Manuka honey stained the skin orange), and the limited number of participants. The researchers did attempt to minimize possible bias in examiners through other measures such as using several different examiners from different centers, quantitatively measuring wound tissue type and a standardized method of wound measurement. Increasing the number of participants was described as being “unrealistic” for this experiment (Gethin & Cowman,…show more content…
(2008) in their article exploring nano-oligosaccharide factor lipido-colloid matrix (NOSF). This is a synthetic compound created in a French Laboratory. This compound had been shown to increase the amount of time some growth factors exist in chronic wounds. The authors conducted a two-arm, parallel group, randomized trial to examine the healing effect of NSOF compared to traditional treatments in chronic venous leg ulcers. They specified a decrease in wound area as the measurement of efficacy, and also examined the healing rate, tolerance and acceptability of the dressings, and absolute wound area

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