Children of Invention, Revisited

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Children of Invention Revisited Morton Winston’s optimistic political vision is not naïve at all and after reading Children of Invention, Revisited, I too agree with him. He states that the dominant view of contemporary society’s stance is that of a “cautious form of techno optimism.” (pg.13) I think this best describes his stance on technology as well as mine. Techno optimists, in its purest form, tends to emphasize technology’s benefits; they believe that science and technology are not the cause of society’s current ills; they do not believe that technology needs to be controlled or regulated; and they have faith in “technological fixes” that will solve outstanding social problems. (pg. 13) This form of thinking is naïve because one just has to look at the news to see what technology without regulations has done to the environment, people and our future. We still see and some of us feel the backlashes of what technology has brought from global warming to cancer caused by asbestos. We now see that “The myth of technology as unmitigated blessing was destroyed.” (pg. 14) With that said, we must not lean toward the contrasting view of a techno pessimist which tends to emphasize the risks and costs of technological changes; believe that many social ills are attributed to technology; and think that technology needs to be controlled or is incapable of being controlled. (pg. 13) This too is closed minded thinking when you can see how much our lives have vastly improved from technological advances. Illnesses that once were considered deadly are now things of the past; we are traveling distances in hours when just a decade ago could have been days long, etc. The cautious optimist, in my opinion is one who sees technology as the blessing it is but also knows that it needs to have rules and regulations. We must all be “technological citizens” who implies an understanding
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