Childcare Level 3 Unit 022 Ac1

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Age | Development | Miles Stones | 0-3 months | Physical | When sitting babies head falls forward and back curves, hands closed tightly, baby develops routine in feeding sleeping, gains control of eye movement, balances head, doubles weight | | Communication | baby learns through senses, communicates through sound, need through crying, respond to sound high pitched noise through moving limbs | | Intellectual/cognitive | Baby uses their sense to develop understanding of their environment, aware of body sensations, begins to coo and gurgle in response to interaction. | | Social Emotional, Behavioral | Totally dependable on others, smiles from 5 wks., begins to respond to sound by making own sound, is more responsive to mother, gazes at face, progressive wakefulness grasp objects / fingers | | Moral | Babies at this stage haven’t developed morals | 3-6 months | Physical | Turns from side to back, head in central position, head & chest can be lifted from the floor, supported by arms, arms can be waved & brought together, legs can be kicked together and separately, pushes down on legs when feet are on hard surfaces, can roll over from tummy to back, hold toys, shake, and swing at dangli8ng toys, brings hands to mouth | | Communication | Recognizes careers face & voice, will hold conversation with career when talked to, making sounds and waiting response, babbles with expression and copies sounds they hear, cries in different ways to show hunger, pain, or being tired | | Intellectual/cognitive | Baby is alert, moves head to watch others, engages hand and finger play, hold toys for small while, let you know if they are happy or sad, responds to reflection, uses hand and eyes together such as seeing toys and reaching for it, recognizes familiar people and things from distance. | | Social Emotional, Behavioral | Through senses baby begins

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