Child Observation Early Childhood

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Chirag Arora CHD*001*12300 OBSERVATION 2 The name of the site visited was Child Development Center of Associated Students, San Jose State University on November 7h, 2011 at 10:00am. The child I observed was a girl of 4 years and I will call her Jenny. Physical development: Average 4-year-olds gain the ability to cut straight lines and cut out shapes with scissors. They usually have a noticeable preference for the right or left hand. They are able to participate more in self care by brushing their own teeth and, for the most part, dressing and undressing themselves. Most 4-year-olds can run, jump and ride a tricycle. Their sense of balance is increasing, and they're able to stand on one foot for at least 5 seconds. Four-year-olds are learning how to skip and becoming better at climbing. Playing with a ball may become more fun as children develop the abilities to catch and throw more accurately during this year. They can walk and run properly. Most of the children can draw and hold colors properly. Most notable thing, they can easily ride bike, jump and climb sometimes. Social and Emotional Development: Children of age 3-5 years age enjoy being with other children. They begin to play with other children more and start learning that other people have feelings. Child may still have fear of noise, dark, animals, etc. Some children develop sense of humor and thus like to laugh and repeat silly words. They may still need a dummy, blanket or other comforter when tired or away from home. They can have very stereotyped ideas of what 'boys' and 'girls' are like, girls wear pretty dresses and boys are like Superman. They start taking responsibility for their own toileting. They may show a sense of humor, both in his talk and activities and like to be independent and sometimes with other children. There moods change rapidly. They are now much more friendly and
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