Child Observation Essay

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CHILD OBSERVATION CHILD OBSERVATION SHEET AGE OF CHILD: _____4____ SETTING OF OBSERVATION: ______Playground_________ PHYSICAL DOMAIN (height, weight, athletic ability, fine/gross motor skills, medical conditions, hair color, strength, complexion, etc.): I went to my local park and observed a 4 year old little boy. I will call him Jimmy. Jimmy is an energetic, average sized 4 year old with brown hair and brown eyes. He is very energetic as most four year old little boys are. When I first arrive he is playing on the edge of the soccer field kicking a ball with what appears to be his older sister who is around 12 years old. He is thrilled to be playing with his sister and trying impress her with his soccer skills. He says thing like “watch me sissy!”, “I can kick it hard!” and “try to block me.” Jimmy really likes to hear his big sister tell him he’s doing a god job. “Older siblings tend to be more caring but also more dominating than younger siblings. Younger siblings are more likely to imitate older siblings and accept direction (Rathus, p. 149).” Jimmy runs around a lot and never seems to tire in the heat. His mother calls him over and tells him to have a sip of her water. He quickly runs over, takes a sip and runs back to his sister, spitting water on her when he returns. She is not happy about this and runs off to meet up with some friends. At this time jimmy runs over to the playground equipment where he quickly finds 2 other little boys and a little girl climbing the rock wall. These kids are probably about the same age as Jimmy. PSYCHOSOCIAL DOMAIN (temperament, personality, reliability, concern for others, emotional intelligence, etc.): The other kids don’t seem to mind at all that Jimmy has joined them and they all begin to interact right away. One of the other boys is definitely the stronger personality and leads the

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