Child Development Assignment 1-Topic 4

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ASSIGNMENT 1 - TOPIC 4 Glossary of cognitive vocabulary | Word or phrase | Formal definitions from references | My definition | Infant mortality | ‘Infant mortality is an index used around the world to assess the overall health of a nation’s children. It refers to the number of deaths in the first year of life per 1,000live births’ (Berk 2003, p. 112). | A way of comparing the health status of children from different countries by recording the number of babies who, while born alive, die within the first year of life. | Anoxia | ‘A marked deficiency in the supply of oxygen to the body tissues. Typically, the tissues of interest are cerebral and whether caused by strokes, aneurism, heart attacks, or physical trauma, can produce a host of cognitive and memorial deficits depending on the sites affected and how widespread the damage is’ (Arthur et al., 2009, p. 43).‘inadequate oxygen supply, during the birth process. Sometimes the problem results from a failure to start breathing within a few minutes.’ Other causes are breech position placenta abruption or Rh factor responses (Berk 2003, p. 107). | A lack of oxygen supply to a baby in this instance during the birth process. Babies can withstand limited access to breathing within10 minutes before permanent damage to brain cells is likely to occur. | Question 4.2 1. Outline the antecedents of low birth weight. Low birth weight babies are not necessarily premature. A premature baby may be an appropriate weight for its gestation age and healthy. Low birth weight is more relevant in very premature babies and ‘small for date’ babies. The most likely cause of low birth weight is ‘inadequate nutrition before birth’ where either the mother had an inadequate diet, the placenta did not function normally or the babies had ‘defects that prevented

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