Cellular Respiration Essay

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Cellular Respiration Lab Cedric Olinger Hr. 3 Question/Purpose: Will temperature affect the rate of respiration on germinated plants? Hypothesis: If temperature is different, then the oxygen level in the chamber will gradually increase because the plant has turned all the available carbon dioxide into oxygen in the chamber. Controls and Variables: Independent Variable: Temperature Dependent Variable: Oxygen content Control Group: Non-Germinated Peas Controlled Variables: Sunlight, Number of peas, water, environment Experimental Variables: Temperature Materials Used: • 20 Green Peas (Non-Germinated) • 20 Green Peas (Germinated) • Oxygen gas sensor • Ice Cubes • Thermometer • 100 milliliter beakers • Petri Dish Procedure: 1. Collect the required materials as shown above from the teacher with your lab partner. 2. Put your 20 Germinated peas in a container. 3. Get a Bowl of cold ice water, and a bowl of hot water for the pea container ready. 4. In your pea container, insert your oxygen gas sensor and submerge the container within the cold water, and then the hot water. Record your data in each hot and cold water for a minimum of 120 seconds, or more. 5. Repeat the steps #2-4 with the non-germinated peas, and record your results. 6. Return to desk and await further instructions. Data Table: time Germinated Oxygen content (%): Germinated Temp©. 30 18.72 34.5 60 18.53 32.9 90 18.51 31.4 120 18.53 30.0 150 18.48 28.9 180 18.48 27.7 210 18.65 26.9 240 18.70 26.0 Rate Calculations: Rate=0.035 degrees Celsius per second Analysis Questions: 1. I was testing both the oxygen content of the peas and also the temperature of the peas over time. 2. Our variable affected the rate of cellular respiration not in the oxygen area, but mainly over

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