Causes Of Inattention

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In this essay the symptoms, causes and prevalence of ADHD will be explored. The three sub-types combined, predominantly inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive type and their particular symptoms will be investigated. The disparity in the percentage of males verses females who are believed to have ADHD will be considered. We will try to find an answer to the question why more males are referred to clinics than females. The causes of ADHD with respect to neurological, hereditary and environmental factors will be reviewed. Medical intervention and in particular the psychostimulant ritalin, their use, effectiveness, side effects in the short and long term will be scrutinised. Various self management techniques and their effectiveness will be put forward. Lastly and perhaps most importantly we will look at the different approaches that teachers can try to implement in managing a class where there is a pupil or pupils who have the symptoms of ADHD. What is ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the condition that is commonly known as ADHD. It is a diagnosis which describes a diverse group of people. (Pfiffner, 1996) Core symptoms in children are inattention, distractibility, impulsivity and overactivity (Barkley, 1998; Biederman et al., 1994; 1996 as cited in Safren) Core symptoms in adults include inattention, inhibition and self regulation. (Pfiffner, 1996) divides ADHD into two categories, the first category is inattention and the second is hyperactivity-impulsivity. These categories can be further divided into subtypes. The first is the combined subtype. Characteristics of the combined subtype include (risk takers, poor grades, peer rejection, bored easily, inattentive, dislike repetitive tasks, difficulty focusing and staying quiet, finds it hard to regulate emotions and low self esteem. The second subtype is pre- dominantly inattentive. Symptoms

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