Causes Of Car Accidents

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CAUSES OF CAR ACCIDENTS Hundreds of people die in car accidents all over the world every week. It is one of the reasons why the death rate is increasing. There are several causes of fatal car accidents; speeding, drivers' distraction, and equipment failure are the most obvious causes. A major and most obvious cause of car accidents is speed. People speed for many different reasons, and being in a rush to get to a specific place is one of the major reasons. This happens because a person maybe late for an appointment or meeting. Another reason why people speed is racing. Showing off whose car is stronger is the main reason for racing. When the driver is speeding he/she cannot have control over the car. At times there will be a sudden stop in streets. The person who is speeding cannot stop quickly which leads to hitting another car, pavement…etc. This then leads the driver to hurt himself/herself. Because speeding is one of the reasons why the death rate is increasing, the government put radars in most streets. This decreased car accidents. Another cause of car accidents is drivers' distraction. Whenever a person is driving, the driver has to put all of his/her attention in it. Talking on the phone, or with the passengers in the car, or being on the use of drugs...etc, all leads to deadly car accidents. Whenever the driver is distracted his/her focus will not be 100% on driving. While this driver is distracted a car might pass to get to the other lane where the driver is driving and because he is not focusing he/she stays on the same speed and hits the car passing, hurting himself and the other driver. Therefore the driver should not be distracted to prevent these car accidents that could have not happened. In addition to these two causes, speeding and distractions, the less obvious cause is equipment failure. A car should be checked from time to time

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