Causes and Effects of Obesity

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Causes and Effects of Obesity Obesity is a long-term complex condition which has become a worry for many people in our culture nowadays and it is important to obtain and realizing of what obesity is. According to Wlardlow (Journal of the Hela, 2000, vol. 7) "obesity is defined as a condition characterized by excess body fat and also defined as being 20% above the average weight". Generally increase consumption of foods high in fats and sugars may lead to obesity. According to research, we all have and require fat tissue in our bodies." When there is too much body fat, the result is obesity "(The World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia CD-ROM, 1996). Classification of obesity is commonly based on Body Mass Index (BMI) which adjusts body weight for height is associated with the total body fat content in adults. A BMI of 25-29.9 is classified as overweight while a BMI of 30 or greater is considered obese. The energy needed by the human body is divided into two. Primary energy is needed by the human body for non-voluntary activities, such as heart rate, breathing, bowel movements, and others and secondary energy activity and movement is caused by human use during the day walking, swimming and movement in general. The World Health Organization, the National Institute of Health. Its over- all prevalence has increased by 33% in the last decade (Merck, 2003, pp. 685-687). Researchers have found that obesity is directly related to an increase in the mortality rate (Journal of American Medical Assoc., 2003, vol. 289, 2, pp.187-193). Obesity tends to run throughout ones life, meaning that its presence at any age will increase the risk of the condition at later ages. This paper discussed the causes and effects of obesity. "Obesity can contribute to many adverse health outcomes which increase one's risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases, stroke,

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