Case Study: Hello Wal-Mart?

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Case Study: Hello Wal-Mart? The plan to open a Wal-Mart takes into account many factors that positively and negatively affect the surrounding small town and its constituents. The small businesses, residents, and town committee will look at all of the factors in order to make the decision. The following pros and cons will outline the points made from each side at a town meeting. Ultimately, the board will assess all the observations in order to make the decision in the best interest for the community. In this case study, there are no in depth details on the small town, so in some situations the reactions from the businesses or residents could vary. Owners of Small Businesses Opening a Wal-Mart store will affect many individuals in a small town, especially the owners of small businesses. This large store will have a different affect on a small business depending on the type of store. A Wal-Mart will increase the customer base for small businesses that are not in direct competition, such as restaurants, bars, and gas stations. Wal-Mart is a very large corporation selling an immense range of products at affordable prices, attracting many people to the store. For small businesses that sell high-end brands, quality items, or specialize in one category of items may see an increase in customers or not see any affects. For example, an electronic store that sells TVs, stereo systems, and computers will carry a range of items in that group. Wal-Mart offers only certain electronic brands, generally low to mid range priced options. If a customer is looking for a high-end brand or the ability to see many different alternatives and options for elections the small business will be their preference. The owners of small businesses may also see negative aspects from Wal-Mart openings. The Wal-Mart stores are able to buy their items in bulk, which allows them to sell
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