Case Study Erp Benton

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1. What are the reasons to install an ERP? How about reasons not to? An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is designed to integrate data from the various departments within a company, such as finance, sales, operations, and human resources. By integrating the systems into one you eliminate the separate systems that each department may have. This benefits the company by eliminating duplicate data entry and storage. And the data can move through the departments without having to traverse segregated systems. It also provides a common system for all departments to use and the IT department to support. Having the data in one system allows management to have access to up-to-date information that represents all departments instead of just having reports from each department separately. One disadvantage to adopting an ERP system is that they are created with a common set of features for a given industry, and are difficult to tailor to a specific company’s needs. According to Markus (as cited in Brown, DeHayes, Hoffer, Martin, Perkins, 2009) an ERP system is estimated to only provide 70 percent of the needs of a company. This means that some effort is required to add functionality around the ERP system or to interface the ERP system with existing systems. This interfacing can be difficult between legacy systems and an ERP system since they may use quite dissimilar technologies. Another consideration in adopting an ERP system is the cost. ERP systems are very expensive and require considerable consultant time to configure for your specific company, which also adds to the cost. There will also be significant training for your company staff to learn the new system. And there is a very good possibility that you will have to change your business process to conform to the ERP system. 2. Do you try to cost-benefit justify such a system, and, if so, how?
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