Carlo De Bernieres Themes

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Through the character of Carlo, De Bernieres presents relationships to be a challenge in many aspects of life. By doing so readers are able to sympathise with this character due to his negative experiences. One aspect of this is seen through the prejudice expressed towards homosexuality. Carlo describes how he has been ‘reduced to eternal and infinite silence’. The words ‘eternal’ and ‘infinite’ suggests a problem that will last forever. The idea of Carlo living in ‘silence’ for the rest of his life begins to reveal the melancholy of the character of Carlo. Carlo continues to say ‘I am like Atlas bowed down forever beneath a burden’. This reference to Greek Gods emphasises the magnitude of Carlo’s burden. The action of ‘bowing’ suggests his position in society; someone who is looked down upon and is awaiting approval. Through Carlo it is also shown how relationships can be challenging with members of society who are usually deemed as most helpful; ‘what could I say to…show more content…
This is first seen through jealously. Carlos describes how he could ‘barely look’ at Francesco’s wife due to the fact that ‘she had known the pleasure of his body in a way that I could never know’. The ending of the sentence ‘I could never know’ shows the sad acceptance of Carlo due to the fact that Carlo was already in a relationship and also because he is dead. The second notion of sadness can be seen in the death itself in the form of grief. As Francesco was dying Carlo describes how his eyes were ‘blinded with tears’. The word ‘blinded’ suggests a loss of control which could symbolise the deep passion Carlo had towards his lover. Although Francesco says ‘I felt good with you’ Carlo never receives a sense of closure as he never mentioned his sexuality. The mention of ‘incalculable grief’ in a previous chapter could have been an explanation of Francesco’s death and also his inability to completely get over it
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