Bullying In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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#1 William Golding stated that his primary objective for writing Lord of the Flies was to “trace the defects of human society back to the defects of human nature." At the time, Golding’s personal experience from his involvement in WWII provided him with material, which he drew upon for his characterization and plot development. Today, the “defects of human society” are often associated with some form of media: social media, investigative journalism, or forms of entertainment, i.e. movies, songs, video games. In your essay you will discuss how today’s media affects the motives and actions of not just society, but of the individuals within it. Using the resources provided, explain how media today has created a world where violence is…show more content…
Bullying is addressed at almost every level of schools in America. Has bullying always existed or is it a recent disease plaguing students? Can parallels be drawn between the boys’ treatment of others in Lord of the Flies and current situations in school today? Consider the culture and time period in which the stranded boys lived and were raised. Would this have impacted their behavior? Write an essay arguing the causes and effect of bullying as seen in Lord of the Flies, and connect that to the causes and effects of bullying in society…show more content…
At times he feels that they are bonded by competition and deep enmity. Other times he feels that Finny is sincere, honest, and a true friend. After Finny’s injury and return to school, Gene feels it is his duty to protect Finny and enforce Finny’s ideas and beliefs even if it means not following through on his plans to enlist or personal goals. Considering Gene’s descriptions of the events in the novel, his descriptions of Finny, and his descriptions of their relationship, write an essay arguing whether or not Finny is a good friend to Gene. Also, you may want to consider and include whether Gene would have been better off without Finny in his life.
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