Compare and Contrast the Approaches of Cohen and Hall Et Al. to the Role of the Media in Relation to Social Disorder

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Compare and contrast the approaches of Cohen and Hall et al. to the role of the media in relation to social disorder. In modern society today, we are constantly faced with negative phrases such as ‘broken society’, ‘antisocial behaviour’ and ‘broken Britain’ which we see branded over the media every day. The explanation of social order and disorder is something that many sociologists have tried to analyse over the years. In this essay I will explain two approaches; that of Stanley Cohen and that of Stuart Hall et al. to the role of the media in relation this social disorder. Firstly, I will start by explaining a little bit about social disorder. Secondly, I will describe the two views by detailing the problem that the theory addresses, the methods and evidence used to examine the issue and the relation of the media to the disorderly behaviour. Lastly, I will compare the similarities and differences of each of their approaches. Social order is a social situation whereby the order or connections are stable and maintained. These are rules that are seen, such as law and regulations or unseen, such as norms and moral expectations. In contrast, social disorder is a threat to that maintained order. The mass media, such as radio, television, newspaper and the internet, play a large role in mediating disorder, or chiefly, the feelings of disorder by creating folk devils; these are people, or groups of people, who are portrayed as deviant and are blamed for crimes and other social problems (Cohen 1973, cited in Kelly and Toynbee, 2009); in other words the ‘alco-yobs’, ‘thugs’ and ‘muggers’ of the media headlines. Sociologist Stanley Cohen (1973) was interested in fights between gangs of youths in the 1960’s. In his original case study Cohen studied the fights in a local seaside town whereby members of the youth culture ‘mods’ and ‘rockers’ would congregate

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