Bully Problems Among School Children

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Bully Problems among School Children. Schools are claimed to be the safe place for children. Despite these claims, recent school violence has contributed to the perception that few places are not safe anymore. Violence at school can have significant impact on the young people, affecting their mental, health, academic achievement and overall socialization and adaptation. Some children may be impacted if they are involved in or witness even a single physical fight, especially if it results in injury, or if they are threatened by someone. Any of these experiences can induce fear and anxiety in young children, affecting their perception of safety and their ability to learn; so much so that the very fabric of what it means to a young child to go to school is disturbed. Children are not born understanding the difference between right and wrong, it is learned from what they hear, see or are taught. At an early age, children look to models such as parents, guardians and even babysitters to base their actions on. Some people fail to see that they are being imitated and looked upon as a role model from those younger than them. Parents' arguments are also taken in by the child. WHAT IS BULLYING? Bullying is an anti-social behavior that is learned as such, it can be also unlearned or, better yet, prevented in our schools. Bullying is an interaction in which a dominant individual repeatedly exhibit aggressive behavior intended to cause distress to less dominant individual .Bullying is a physical act i.e., hitting and kicking, verbal attack i.e., name calling and threats, a psychological maneuver and many more. Bully problems are a major source of worry for children .At one time or another, most children will have to deal with this problem. Losses of self esteem, no longer wanting to go to school, emotional and physical harm are just a few of the results of the peer
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