How Disability May Affect Development

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CYP Core 31 3.3 How disability may affect development A disability may affect a child’s development dramatically. They may be exposed to prejudice or discrimination at school for that reason that they could be treated differently than the rest of the children. They may be bullied or teased by other children which will affect their self-confidence and in turn affect their learning ability and development. Disabilities are categorised in different forms i.e. learning or physical. Learning disabilities which affect development could be: Autism; autism is a disability which affects how a person relates and communicates with other people and the world around them. Children with autism find it difficult to understand facial expressions or the tone of a voice. They can feel lonely and cut off from society as they avoid social interaction. This could affect their ability to development or interact in social settings or in the classroom. Dyslexia; is a difficulty in learning to read. Children suffering from this may become frustrated and problems could arise at home or in school, behavioural problems could also be seen, as well as the child becoming unenthusiastic or disliking school. If dyslexia is undetected then this will affect their development at school and could spoil any chance of achievement. Physical disabilities could include: Cerebral palsy; cerebral palsy is a condition which affects the movement, posture and co-ordination of a person. A child/young person with this disability may only be affected physically with this disability while others could be affected by seizures, epilepsy or difficulties with speech and
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