Bshs 352 Utilizing Social Networking

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Utilizing Social Networking Sites BSHS 352 September 10, 2012 Jason Andrade Utilizing Social Networking Sites Social networking is nothing new and began many years ago. Today, with technology, it is very advanced and has several advantages. Social networking sites does not just consist of Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, or Instagram. LinkedIn is a professional social networking site that offers professionals the chance to communicate with other professionals in similar fields of work. LinkedIn can help individuals stay connected to the professional community and learn more about organizations that interest them. It is a site that is used by individuals, groups, and organizations all over the world. Linkedin was established in 2003 and continues to grow and assist organizations in reaching new horizons through professional social networking. LinkedIn operates the world’s largest professional network on the Internet with more than 175 million members in over 200 countries and territories ("LinkedIn", 2012). Servicing so many professionals from so many parts of the world, LinkedIn has to be available in various languages to suite everyone's needs. First I created a profile and then I found three organizations that interest me and that I would definitely love to work for. Lighthouse Emotional Wellness was one…show more content…
Training is needed to provide employees with opportunities to keep them up to date in the field of human services. New therapies and procedures are developed all of the time and human services need to stay current as a way to better assist their clients. Some training can be accessed online so that professionals can conveniently complete their training from home or the office. The internet allows professionals to stay in touch with organizations and other professionals in an easily accessible manner. Professionals can build networks and find other
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