British Colonies Essay

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3. Summarize the differences between New England colonies, middle colonies, and the southern colonies. Most of the religions in the colonies were different sects of Christianity. In New England, especially in Massachusetts, there were many Puritans. However, Rhode Island had more religious diversity. In the Middle Colonies, there was a lot more religious toleration. As a result, there were many Quakers along with other sects of Christianity. The Southern colonies were mostly Anglican. Maryland was originally established as a haven for Catholics, but eventually there were more Protestants than Catholics there too. The Economy in New England centered around trade because farming was difficult with rocky soil. The main staples were Fishing, Timber, Rum, some slave trade, and shipbuilding over seen by wealthy merchants. In the Southern Colonies it was the staple crops of Rice, Tobacco, and Indigo (before the revolution) and Cotton (after). These crops were grown on large plantations owned by wealthy white males and worked by African slaves. In the middle colonies the economy was supported by both trade and farming with and emphasis on Wheat. Finally the society of New England was based off of the Puritan religion but over all had a balanced class system mainly made up of a wealthy merchant class. The Middle Colonies again had a fairly balanced class system though instead of merchants it centered around farming communities. The Southern Colonies were ruled by Patriarchy. Patriarchy is basically ruled by the father of a household; woman, children, and his slaves all had to submit to him as the owner of them. 4. Explain three reasons why the relationship between Britain and her colonies changed. Britain had a point in that they wanted the colonies to help pay for their assistance with the French and Indian War. They also thought of colonies as their rightful
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