Brave New World Moral Analysis

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Brave New World Timed Writing Throughout our society in this current day and age, it seems to be one of the most, if not the most crucial thing to a person to be socially accepted by others. Conforming to society is what will get a person to be acknowledged and desired by others. However, a person will often go through countless episodes of moral questioning and introspect. This idea of the tension between a character's outward conformity and inward questioning acts as a strong theme throughout the novel, Brave New World. The author, Aldous Huxley, demonstrates this theme through means of one particular character, Lenina. Although life in the New World entails subconscious (really unconscious) conformity, and seemingly ignorant bliss, Lenina is able to awaken from the grasps that "science" and society have on her person, and become an individual. Broadening her horizons and seeing that there is more to life than "having someone" for the night, also known as a one night stand, is what really prompted her introspect. The Old World and the New World were like day and night to Lenina, and were at…show more content…
He developed Lenina's gnawing problem to heal slowly but surely as she struggles to conform to the influences of her society, which she has known since "birth." Although these mannerisms and ideas that she has had rooted in her mind have had a significant influence on her development as a person, she was still able to convey who she was meant to be as an individual. This set a mood of rebellion and tones of satisfaction and success at the end of the novel. However, at the beginning of the novel, the set tone is dull and emotionless. To have the novel end with such a bright tone and mood enables the audience to see and feel how Huxley wanted to portray Lenina as a human being and not another robotic entity of a dreary utopian

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