Brandon Mull Spirit Animals Analysis

542 Words3 Pages
In the story Spirit Animals by Brandon Mull, it was about four children who are about to discover if they have a spirit animal. A spirit animal is an animal that has super powers and helps protect people. In total there were 15 beasts that could be given to a few children if they’re lucky. Each of the four children had a certain beast and a dangerous quest. The setting takes place in the world of Erdas. It starts off in a community where the children drink a special potion when they turn 11 years old to see if they get a spirit animal. The first child that drank the potion and had a beast appear was Connor. He was poor and a sheep herder he drank the potion and a big wolf appeared. His name was Briggan and he looked like the cities war beast. Next was Rollan, he was given a falcon. The warriors daughter Meillin was given a panda, and last but not least Abeke, a hunter from a village received a leopard. These four animals came for a special reason. They knew something bad was happening to the world of Erdas, so they came to protect and fight for them. As they were traveling up a mountain, Abeke and her leopard passed through…show more content…
They started to fight and the enemies were fighting back. They almost won but they didn’t they lost because Connor and his wolf came back and Connor used a better spell on his Spirit Animal. The black Spirit appeared from lightening and began to come closer and closer to the spirit animals and the kids. Rollan told the falcon to attack the black enemies head. He swished he’s sword out and his bird went flying. Connor summoned his wolf to pounce onto the beast all the way to the left. This went on for hours as they continued to fight. The battle came to an end as the sun disappeared and the children and their spirit animals have won. The world of Erdas was now free. They were so happy, and knew they can do anything

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