Brain Drain Essay

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Title Explain the ‘brain drain’ phenomenon and provide linkages with migrant remittances. What are the challenges posed for developed and developing countries? Table of Content Introduction 1 Background P. 3 2 Objective of this paper P. 3 3 Core Augment P. 3 Theoretical Examination 1 Definition of brain drain P. 4 2 Definition of Migrant Remittances P. 5 3 Current Phenomenon of Brain Drain P. 6 4 A Linkage between brain drain and migrant remittances P. 6 Challenges of brain drain for developed and developing countries 1 Developed country - United States P. 7 2 Developing country – India P. 9 Conclusion P. 10 Reference List P. 11 Introduction 2 Background Migration of skilled workers has arguably been one of the most topical dimensions of the modern international migration. The developed countries’ governments have been implementing policies to, not only attract, but also retain highly skilled workers from the international labour market. Elsewhere, developing nations are already suffering the loss of skilled human capital and are deeply concerned about how they can retain their most skilled professionals. Within the development circles, there has been increasing realization that sustainable development and growth are not possible without skilled and professional human capital. As a result, the developing countries recognize that, in the long run, the continued brain drain will negatively impact their economic growth as well as political and development (Haas 2011). 1. Objective of this paper The facts mentioned above reveals that the trend of highly skilled people migrating from the developing countries to developed
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