Borderline Personality Disorder Analysis

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Borderline Personality Disorder effects an estimated 2% of the population who meet the measures for diagnosing the condition (2013, OutofTheFog). This particular personality disorder was believed to be right on the ‘borderline’ of neurosis and psychosis, which is where that term came from. This mental disorder is characterized by its emotional instability, sudden mood swings, and impulsive or self-destructive behavior. Someone with BPD may find it hard to maintain relationships as well as a positive self-image. BPD disorder is unlike other mood disorders or Bipolar because anxiety, depression, and anger only occur for a day or a few hours and with no probable reason or direct cause. So where did BPD originate from? Every mental disorder…show more content…
Poor parenting along with divorce or any separation or abandonment of a caregiver can have effects that would cause BPD. Research affirms that “30% report that they lost or had a prolonged separation from their parents in childhood” (2011, PBS). It is also reported that around 70% of kids who have been sexually or physically abused also have BPD (2011, PBS). This, however, doesn’t mean that everyone in these situations develop Borderline Personality Disorder. It just suggests that instability and childhood neglect and trauma play a heavy roll in the development, just as much as Genetics…show more content…
302). Therapists are careful treating someone with BPD because of the lack of trust that sufferers feel, so it may make it difficult to form a good relationship with their therapist. Some people seek out medications to ease some symptoms or support groups, individual/family therapy, or hospitalization if that person is suicidal or a threat to their self. One of the more well-known treatments is Psychotherapy, or what they call ‘talk’ therapy. This includes Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Mentalization- Based, Transference Focused Psychotherapy, Schema-Focused Psychotherapy, General Psychiatric Management, Systems training for Emotional Predictability and Problem

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