Boeing Case Summary

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Boeing 7E7 Case Summary Boeing is currently in the process of launching its new product, the Boeing 7E7, a midsized airplane with long-range capabilities that is set to directly compete with Airbus’s A380. Boeing has been historically known to dominate the commercial airplane sector; however, over the last two years, Airbus has sold more commercial airplanes than Boeing. Through the development of Boeing 7E7, Boeing hopes to recover its leadership role in the commercial airplane industry. The Boeing 7E7 responds to consumer’s demand for a comfortable midsized airplane that is capable for direct long-haul flights. It has upgraded features such as; wider seats, wider aisles, larger lavatories, and more spacious luggage bins. This new airplane also provides benefits to the Boeing company itself as it has the potential to increase profit. The profit comes from reduced cost, which is due to the 20% improvement in fuel efficiency, and increased revenue from more cargo capacity. An issues that challenges the Boeing 7E7 is the tragic event of the 9/11 terrorist attack, which negatively impact the demand for commercial airlines. Furthermore, there are issues concerning the board of Boeing as they are seeking to occupy its CEO position after the former CEO was asked to step down due to an infraction of company’s ethics code of conduct. Additionally, Boeing was in the midst of a transformation in structure and vision. All these issues challenges the success of Boeing 7E7. The Boeing 7E7 offers superior interior design features and also uses “integrated assemblies” approach, which ensures high quality parts from global partners to be used for the aircraft. This high level engineering and system integration sets them apart from their competitor’s product, Airbus 380. Since Boeing is launching a new product in an existing market, this strategy is known as the

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