Body Language Functions in Cultures

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Abstract :This paper is to expound body language in different cultures in terms of facial expressions, gestures and touch. It aims to illustrate the differences of body language functions and put forward the principles of reducing barriers in communication so as to achieve efficient communication and to avoid misunderstanding. Key Words: body language communicative functions cultural differences Ⅰ. Introduction Refers to Exchange, we will naturally think of language that we say numerous words every day. In the real life, body language is extremely broad, and sometimes there are more silent than to express the information cleverly, while leaving the other's imagination.Birdwhistell (1970) through the comparability of the people in the words of a dialogue behavior and non-verbal behavior, we can find that: Most verbal communication accounts for only about 30%of the communicative behavior, 70% for non-verbal communication. At the same time, most experts hold the view that in face-to-face communication, about 35% information social content is language ACTS, and the rest is realized through the non-verbal behavior. Psychologists Mehrabian(1971) think that when people are expressly their emotions and attitudes , verbal communication accounts for only 7%, and the tone and facial expressions and non-verbal behavior of the message are as much as 93%.Visibly, non-verbal communication in interpersonal relations plays an extremely important role. Human body language with a certain commonality of language barriers, different geographical and cultural differences can be partly effective communication through body language. Many experts have shown the importance of body language in the cross-cultural communication. “A psychologist proposed a formula: the total impact of message = 7% verbal + 38% vocal +55% facial expressions and behavior.” It is clear without body language
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