Blue Like Jazz Reflection

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In the film “Blue Like Jazz”, the introduction begins with mentioning the acronym SCCR. SCCR stands for setting, conflict, climax and resolution which Donald Miller states happens in every single story. Within the film, each of these points were met. The setting of the story is his home in Texas and then Reed College. The conflict is Donald Miller’s uncertainty about his faith due to many incidences such as his mother’s affair and the beliefs of the people around him. The climax is the morning after a party when he is pulled from a portable bathroom by a priest and shortly after sees the news about the earthquake in Kashmir. This moment is the climax because Donald realizes that acting as someone he was not was not helping him in any way. He realized he depended greatly on his faith regardless of what had happened in his own church. The resolution comes when he admits everything about himself in the confession booth and begins being honest with everyone around him. In the book “A Million Miles In A Thousand Years” Donald Miller does not know why the movie directors find his story to be noteworthy enough to be made into a movie. In my opinion, his story is extremely noteworthy because it is relatable. Although the producers took liberties such as his mother becoming pregnant by his priest and other pieces of the film to make it more entertaining to watch, there were no climactic fight scenes, or explosions, or tragedies like in most successful movies. Instead, it stayed rather true to Donald Miller’s real life yet still is able to keep the audience intrigued due to its relevancy in many daily lives. The story’s relevancy lies in the fact that many people, especially college age students, question their faith and who they are. Regardless if a person is religious or not, people still, almost indefinitely, will go through somewhat of an identity crisis at some

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