Blockbuster Concept Paper

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BLOCKBUSTER WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT #1 Submitted to: Ms. Violet Christopher Submitted by: Christopher Allen Peek March 10, 2011 MGT 101 ANTELOPE VALLEY COLLEGE Not too long ago Blockbuster was on top of the world, they were the golden age for the video store. They had the movie rental business in the palm of their hand. But after a series of mistakes and unwillingness to see were the future was taking them now threatens to bankrupt them completely. Blockbuster didn’t have a good Business model or strategy. They didn’t plan or analyze what the general environment was doing and were it could take them. Doors were opening and opportunities were arising with the continuing change in technology and they didn’t jump on that bus and it took off without them. I think the main problem with Blockbuster is defining their strengths and weakness. In my swot analysis I’ve discovered blockbuster shows a competitive advantage in a few areas like its global market. They have locations all over the world in 100 of countries. As well as most of its location right here in the u.s. Which is another strong point for them is that it’s a neighborhood recognized company. That is something its main rival Netflix does not have that they need to embrace on. Blockbuster cans delivery rentals through a lot of different channels and not just online download or delivery. At the same time it is also their weakness too because they were too late to jump on that opportunity and Netflix has already took up most of the online market. And because of that blockbuster has been taking a down ward spiral into debt and has lost its reputation and it’s going to be very hard for them to get even a piece of that market back. Blockbuster clearly wasn’t monitoring what was going on externally. Blockbuster should have foreseen this but it was Blockbuster poor strategic planning to keep up with

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