Blanche Dubois Emerges As a Tragic Hero

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‘Blanche Dubois emerges as a tragic hero only in the final scene of the play’ To what extent do you agree with this statement? It can be argued as to whether Blanche Dubois is portrayed as a tragic hero throughout the entire play or if, in fact, she emerges only at the end as having characteristics and traits of a tragic hero. At the beginning of the play, she shows signs of being a tragic hero, however in the final scene of the play, the audience is presented with the dilemma as to if she accepts her tragic flaw making her a tragic protagonist. It is debated that Blanche shows qualities of being a tragic hero from the beginning of the play, for example, it becomes clear to the audience in Scene 1, when she talks about the loss of Belle Reve which suggests an existing trait and the death of her late husband, which also implies a sense of Blanche being a tragic hero from the very beginning of the play. This is backed up in Scene 1 when Blanche says “the boy-the boy died. “ This could also be seen as a reversal of fortune, which is typically a trait seen in most tragic protagonists, however, the time in the play that this reversal of fortune occurs varies, and it is suggested that in the opening scene, Blanche has already suffered her reversal of fortune, which ultimately labels her as a tragic hero from the first page. In addition to this, it is suggested by “daintily dressed in a white suit with a fluffy bodice” that she is a character of higher status than the men from New Orleans who dress in “blue denim work clothes”. This also suggests that Blanche has a high enough status to not work as opposed to the “roughly dressed “men. The stage directions in Scene 1, describe Blanche as “incongruous to her surroundings”, which implies that she is isolated from the beginning of the play therefore she is showing another typical trait of a tragic protagonist. Another

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