Birds That Don't Fly

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Do all birds fly? By Jennifer Renard Davis Description: As part of the requirements for the graduate level course EDUC 677, Foundations of Early Literacy, I developed and implemented a lesson to enhance reading comprehension. My focus student is an 8 year old second grade student I will call “Dylan.” I used both narrative and expository texts in this lesson, as was required of the assignment. I have worked with this student before and looked forward to help him further his comprehension skills. I decided to use prediction statements to increase his comprehension while learning new information about birds. I used the narrative text Tico and the Golden Wings by Leo Lionni and the expository text Birds That Don’t Fly by Bobbie Kalman. The narrative text is a fable written about a bird that is born without wings, but desperately wishes for some. He eventually is granted his wish; he is given beautiful golden wings. However, he finds that his bird friends are not nearly as happy as he with his beautiful wings. They see him as different and feel his thinks he is better than the rest of the flock. The expository text was written to give students information about different kinds of flightless birds and what unique characteristics each one possesses. The learning objectives I chose to build Dylan’s comprehension are as followed: 1. The student will be able to answer questions and participate in discussions involving inferential and critical thinking that asks the reader to predict (“What will happen when Tico gets his wings?”), interpret (“Why do you think he friends feel this way?”), draw from background knowledge (“Do all birds fly?”), connect text to life(“Did you ever have a friends mad at you?”), and problem solve(“What can Tico do to make himself feel happy again?”). 2. The student will be able to use graphic organizers, including
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