Biological Vs Biological Brain

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guess all I can say is nothing is pure psychological, because without a (biological) brain, you wouldnt be able to think anything. Phychological would be concious and subconcious thoughts. Things that happen inside one's mind. Biological is basically what happens in one's body. The brain is part of someone's body and controls psychological things. Everything that your body does (except cell division, cell oxidization, immune systems, etc.) is processed in the brain. Therefore, if something is happening psychologically it is also biological because the brain is a biological object, if you will. That brain controls psychological things. Lets take a metal illness for example. This mental illness may appear psychological, but the problem lies within the brain, which is biological. You could then say psychological things would never happen if a biological brain was not present. Which means everything psychological is, in some way, no matter how minor, biological. Depression is often…show more content…
I disagree because I think we decide who we are, and although some of our biological characteristics help make us that person, they are not everything. We think some of the things we do because of the way we were raised, and we might act differently if we were raised by different parents. Many of the things would be the same, such as your hair color, or height, but not everything would be exactly the same. The quote says "With out your body- your genes, your brain, your appearance, are are indeed, nobody." I totally disagree with this statement, because I don't think that you can go from being somebody to being nobody or the other way around. I think that our conscientious is to great to go from being totally aware of our surroundings in life, to absolute nothing in death. Basically, I think we are influences greatly by our biology, but it does not make up every component of who you
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