Biolocical and Humanistic Approaches to Personality

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Biological and Humanistic Approaches to Personality Michael Hernandez PSY/250 Jessica De Silva APPROACHES TO PERSONALITY Personality can be derived from many factors in the psychological realm. Personality is influenced by growth needs at which time the formation is created. The formation of personality is influenced by biological factors. Genetics and brain structure are two of the primary biological factors Humans have an innate drive toward personal growth as argued by Maslow. The growth needs suggested includes self-actualization. Self-actualization is the need to fulfill one's potential. Self-actualization can result in a healthy personality. For example, self-actualized people possess exceptionally healthy personalities marked by personal growth. These individuals are considered to be spontaneous, socially sensitive to the needs of others and enjoy interpersonal relationships. According to Maslow self-actualized persons also possess a "peak balance", which maintains polarities in the personality (Maslow, 1987). There are two primary biological factors that influence the personality. These include genetics and brain structure/ neurotransmitters (Pinel, 2003). Personality is influenced by genetic factors through temperament. For example, genetics influence individual differences based on how individuals respond and react to their environment. The contribution of genetics to psychological differences has been studied in research focused on behavioral genetics (e.g., Plomin, 2000). The second biological influence is the brain structure and neurotransmitters. As Pinel (2003) explains, gene expression determines how cells may develop and how it can function at personal maturity. According to Pinel, all behaviors are the products of interactions among three factors:
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