Bio103 Week 1 Case Study Essay

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BIO103 Week 10 Case Study 1. Tom, 19, is really worried: Last Tuesday he drank a lot of coffee late in the evening and so could not sleep. He finally went to a midnight XXX-rated movie. During the movie he got an erection, but then because of the coffee he needed to urinate. When he tried to void, he found that he could not. After the show, he was able to urinate. He thinks there may be something seriously wrong with his urinary system. What most likely happened to poor Tom? What poor Tom is experiencing is very normal. When a man is very aroused the internal urinary sphincter will close off, so semen cannot go into the bladder, and urine cannot get to the urethra, which is why he was unable to urinate during the XXX movie. Source:Saladin

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